The Monument of
Chief Rolling Mountain Thunder
At age 71, Chief Thunder lives in the Nevada desert with his young wife and small children in The Monument, a concrete and stone house he built and decorated with powerful forms and arches. His overwhelming sculptures, "spirits of the living," portray Indian heroes, family, and friends. He created the monument when a voice spoke in a dream, "You are the Big Eagle and the Big Eagle shall return to his nest." His artistry is the testament of a great American folk artist.The film captures the tragedy of his life, his painful isolation, the beauty of his work, and his creative process. Its highlight is a remarkable sequence in which Chief Thunder sculpts a complete piece on camera. Chief Rolling Mountain Thunder was honored as "The Artist of the Year" by the state of Nevada in 1983. Please visit the  Thunder Mountain Monument web site for more on the Chief.To order this film and the entire Visions of Paradise collection on DVD, please contact the filmmakers or click on the "Buy This" button..
* New York Independent Filmmakers Exposition* 
"When I take a rock and make a face, I've created a being, and when I take a handful of mud and make a face out of it I've brought the face out that was already there."

Chief Thunder 
Photo by Michelle Vignes
Light-Saraf Films
260 Arbor St.  San Francisco, CA 94131  415-584-3521
For sales please contact the Visionary Arts Museum
in Baltimore, MD